Our Guarantee
As the tagline on many of the company vans states, “George Guarantees it!” Ask any customer what George means by a “guarantee,” and they will tell you if you are not completely satisfied with the work, Eastern Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning will make it right.
George states, “As I grew up, my father taught me responsibility, honesty, and integrity. This has guided me in my 50+ years in business, and this is how I approach and treat my customers.”
George has passed along his strong work ethic and integrity to his son and co-owner of Eastern, Tim. Together, they ensure that all of their residential and commercial customers are always satisfied with the quality of services provided, whether it be carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, or water damage restoration.
"I have a very strict rule that has guided me in this business since 1971 and that is I want to exceed the expectations of every customer on every job. It must be right or I will make it right."
George Gadbois - Owner